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Partner university Subject code Course # Title UBC equivalencies
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 30525 Digital Strategy
COMM 3rd
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 30483 Politics of Advanced Democracies
POLI 3rd
University of Washington CSE 154 Web Programming
COSC 360
University of Canterbury SOCI 345 Critical Disaster Studies
GEOG 316 & ENST 3rd
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Sustainable Operations Management
COMM 3rd
Nanyang Technological University DT 2015 Advanced 3D Production
VISA 2nd
Université de Genève 31EL032 Representations of professions in French-speaking songs
FREN 4th
Université de Genève 32M1024 French in contact and multilingualism
FREN 4th
Université de Genève 31EL021 Autobiographical practices
FREN 4th
Université de Genève 31EL017 Theater news: from text to performance
FREN 4th
Université de Genève 30EL033 Advertising rhetoric
FREN 4th
Université de Genève 31EL010 Comprehension of texts and analysis of structures
FREN 4th
Université de Genève 32J0462 See the world. Travel journals in the modern era
FREN 4th
Université de Genève 32J0503 Decolonization and migration: a history of the end of Empires (1945-2020)
FREN 4th
University of Otago SURV 303 Urban Design 1
COMM 3rd
National University of Singapore LSM 3223 Immunology
MICB 302
University of Canterbury SPCO 126 land journeys and ethics
KIN 1st
Australian National University EMSC 3032 Melting Polar Ice Sheets, Sea Level Variation and Climate Change
EESC 3rd
University of Hawaii PSY 325 Cognitive Psychology
University of Hawaii PSY 341 Social Development of Children
PSYC 315
Displaying 8061 - 8080 of 8220